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Everything posted by RedAlex

  1. Well, thank guys. I guess that is how we learn.. And my scientist is home again. She had to walk for like 10 mts because landing on a specific spot is something i still have ot learn, but this was close enough. After the trauma of being left behind alone she could use the walk...
  2. So, i am reletive new to this game and am playing it for a few months now. And yes, building your own rocket and do a succesful landing on Minmus and later the Mun gave me goosbumps and pride. But I also want to share my first major setback. Landing in Minmus is routine by now, so it was time to send a crew to do surfacebased science on Minmus. The flight, inclanationburn and trip to Minmus were a breeze, just like the landing. I set up the groundscience with my scentist present and then went to sleep since the groundscience takes some time. I like keeping my Kerbals on the surface for more then a day anyway and dont use timewarp when I am landed somewhere. But this morning i had a bad awakening. During the night my landed spaceship drifted in to the experiments somehow and exploded. Killing the two kerbals on board and leaving my scientist stranded alone on Minmus. Now I noticed that spaceships glide a little bit after landing ore even rotate very slowly. Did not take that to serious and saw it as a gameglitch. But over the time of a earthnight it seems it slided all the way to the experiments and exploded.. I did not see that comming.. So is it a glitch?? ore something that happened to others also?? I am on my way to Minmus again to pick up my lone scientist, but feel realy bummed out over this loss of Kerballife.. I was realy carefull, trained with unmaned pods on landing and such and waited with manned flights until i was sure everything would work. So losing kerbals this way realy hurts.. Am i alone in this?? Great and fantastic game by the way, and i must say in these corona stay at home times even more adictive then usual..:) Greetings from the Netherlands, Alex
  3. Ground radar, One of the problems with landing is that you dont know the level of the terrain, unfortunaly not al celestial bodies have nice flat spots at sealevel like Minmus. So an usefull and realistic solution can be the use of a groundradar. As a seperate part that can, ore not, be used by builders choice. If used it should give a indication of how far away touchdown is. Great game by the way, but i guess i dont need to tell that to the people here..:) Greetings from the Netherlands to all Kerbals and all who fly them. Alex
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