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Everything posted by czarniecki

  1. Do i need to have a holding tank directly on the excavator, or just on the same vessel?
  2. I almost landed it. If only i had like 50 m/s more, i would've done it. How do you put more sas? https://imgur.com/a/ZeoDQA8 Also, at what kerbrin orbit should i assemble my base? This one is at 300km above surface, but maybe it's better to do it on 100, or it just doesn't make any diffrence?
  3. On the second photo you can see the poodle engine.
  4. Could you explain it to me, like i'm a beginner(which i'm)?
  5. So, i wanted to make my first mun base, containing of 1 main module, and 4 around him (main module and 2 side modules on the photos) but made a little love up, and the side modules are slightly tilted relative to the main module, so my question is: If all of 4 side modules will be tilted exactly the same way, will this vessel be able to fly straight? Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/PECpVDd
  6. The game just freezes, not lokg after i launch it. Interesting thing, after i quit the game, steam freezes too (no need to restart it though, it goes back to normal in a few secs). No error logs arę created. My specs: Intel Pentium g4400, GTX 750 to, 8 GB ram
  7. It's just impossible for me and i don't know why. I set a nice orbing around kerbin, i set a maneuver node, so that my apoapis is the same height as minmus orbit, but to actually get near minmus, it's literally case of one pixel, and even if i get that pixel right, instead of being where i should be, i get on the same orbit around sun, as kerbin
  8. It would seem, that my game crashes, whenever there's google chrome working in the background, but if i restart my pc and turn on ksp right away, it works just fine with chrome. I have 8 GB ram
  9. When i'm in this stage, i can't yaw, pitch or roll at all, even thoug i could before. Tried reloading the game. https://imgur.com/a/HbMBmzh
  10. Where are these gravity options exactly?
  11. Is there any way to cheat it? Like teleporting kerbal, or getting the tipped over vessel, back up?
  12. I got my jebadiah to the mun, but with not enough fuel to get back, so i sent a rescue mission. Everything is going fine, i landed like one crater away, but my problem is that whenever i get within like 1km from the rescue vessel, it tips over. Tried landing it somewhere else, tried reloading the game, but nothing helps. What do i do?
  13. I actually managed, to fix it. Just added the game to windows defender's exeptions
  14. My game just stops responding at random times. I've just installed it. GTX 750 ti Intel G4400
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