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  1. Thank you! I'll go look into that and try and learn more. Haha and as funny as the elephant plumes may be, it may also be kind of instructional how to replace plumes with custom things. I'll go back and try again, but this is what I did and thanks for all the replies. pretty excited to get this to work. In the end I'd really like there to be just a part that you add on that looks like the Colored smoke oils that airplanes actually use, but figure this may be easier, quicker and basically just "good enough" for what I want it to do.
  2. When I tried that, nothing came up? Like it doesn't show the copied part. Is there a specific place I need to put the files? Like in Gamedata, or Squad? Thanks. I appreciate it
  3. So I've been looking for a mod that changes the engine plume colors to make colored plumes like you see in air shows. I can't find anything, and I've scoured the internet for help and couldn't find anything, so I've decided to make my own Anyone here know which direction to point me in or give me some tips? Have never made a mod before, but feel this could be "relatively" easy to start with. I thought I could just copy a part and paste it to make 2 copies, then just edit a bunch of .CFG files to make it colored differently but everything I've tried doesn't work and 2 copies of the same part dont even show up Even putting an SRB plume on a Spider may work for what I'm looking for
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