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  1. Hey Manwith Noname. This is an excellent mod. It rekindled my love of KSP. I had gotten frustrated with how bad individual ships and stations were looking with mismatched textures and colors. Suddenly I can create beautiful ships with cohesive designs... I would love to see this expanded to other mods! Universal Storage, for example. There's only three parts that need skinning. Have you considered setting up a Patreon? I'd love to support you! My thoughts: 1. How difficult would it be for other mods to adopt the same texturing system out of the box? 2. Is there any virtue to crowdsourcing the work, instead of having you do it all? Forgive my ignorance. I don't know a thing about computers besides how to play KSP and CSGO. I'll learn if it means I can help!
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