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Everything posted by epaga

  1. Thank you!!! Please. Write. These. Every. Week. (Or at least every two!) I literally, without exaggeration, mean this: even if it's a two sentence thing "We've been hard at work this week - one of the things we're working on is the parachutes not working. It's been tricky for a bunch of reasons, but we'll share more on that later." then that is 1000x better than your Radio Silence.
  2. I played until I unlocked the entire tech tree, and had a blast doing so. I'll pick it back up whenever the new update hits. But man, I'll never understand the mindset behind deciding "complete radio silence is better than little bits of info on slow progress"
  3. As you seem to be doing sentiment analysis of responses, I'd like to add my two cents with some emotion words that will help: I'm bummed out, disappointed, and slightly miffed by this blog post being so tonedeaf, ending with a mediocre GIF of the sun becoming slightly less bright. How does this qualify as a "Developer Insights" blog post? Also don't forget - for every negative voice you probably have 10x those or more that are so disappointed they're not writing anything (whereas the optimists are giving you all they've got).
  4. A single Eeloo mission doing surface samples, orbital survey, and radiation science will easily give you between 30-45k science depending on how many biomes you can visit. Jool sniffing + orbital survey? Another easy 20k. Land on a couple Jool moons and you're done. (and that's without doing any more missions which would work too, I suppose!)
  5. 100% agree with the comments here. Not needing an actual line of sight makes probe missions far too easy, and making networks of satellites far too meaningless. Add occlusion and the KEO satellite from the one mission actually becomes useful. Use your tutorial system if need be to explain signals and relays! Set up additional missions to get a good sat network going.... it's going to be great.
  6. Not sure if anyone will even see this but would be super thankful to understand what I'm doing wrong here. i have a satellite with two KR-14's in Kerbol orbit and a ship with a Communotron 88-88 headed for Dres. They are in range of each other, they have electricity. The satellite is also in range of Kerbin. I set the ship to have Direct Link to the satellite, and the satellite to have one KR-14 Direct Linked to Mission Control and the other KR-14 Direct Linked to the ship. So ... when I'm controlling the satellite (first image), I have a signal and also a green line to both Mission Control and the ship. Seems great! But... ...when I then switch over to the ship (second image), I do NOT have a signal any more, and there's an orange line to the satellite. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here? Thanks for any help! P.S. Hiberation mode is not on on either craft. I have control (green connection) of the satellite but NO control (red connection) of the ship.
  7. I found and landed on one of the Mun arches. First time ever for me... it's a pretty impressive structure.
  8. Here would be challenges 1-3 for me. I stacked 3 satellites on top of each other and then broke them apart once I encountered Duna. A bug (out of control rotation) stopped me from changing the orbit of the third satellite all too much, but hey, the orbits are slightly different, so that should count right? ... RIGHT? :-) And the final glamour shot of the lovely Duna:
  9. Did a Mun mission with a lander Redocked in Mun orbit Got back to Kerbin ...only to realize I had strapped on drogue chutes (what a beginner's mistake) Loving it. Encountered a few bugs, of course. But it runs fine on my 2060 Super, Ryzen 5 3600, 32 GB RAM machine.
  10. FWIW, +1 for being disappointed about a forced ad launcher from my side. Waste of time, smells much more like Take Two and much less like scrappy little KSP.
  11. I found a way to accomplish this as it currently is: Controller 1: set its loop mode to "repeat" Controller 2: set its loop mode to "none" (and optionally its play position to the very end, to illustrate how it works) Now in Controller 1, toggle Controller 2's loop mode once (to "repeat"), and right after this, "toggle play" it, then immediately toggle its loop mode twice (back to "none") In Controller 2, "toggle play" Controller 1 (to stop it) at 0.1s AFTER it's looped back to the beginning. That's all. Since Controller 2's loop mode is set to "normal", it will stop at the end of its run. Running Controller 1 again will cause it to loop once more. You can do this as often as you want, with the same action group! Yay.
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