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  1. Booots, Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this!
  2. Booots, Thank you for the mod! It looks great from the screen caps. I can't wait to use it! I'm having similar issues to those reported above (flight envelope stuck at 0.0%, running KSP 1.9.1, KER, RCS Build Aid Continued, Editor Extensions Redux, Click Through Blocker, Toolbar Controller, Zero MiniAVC on a Mac), and I noticed something odd. If I clicked on a point on one of the other charts (AoA, etc), it will display the data for that point. I went back to the flight envelope chart, I saw the same detail display, except now it was showing the flight envelope iterating through different altitudes. What was strange was that the altitudes looked negative. Is it possible that the overflow error reported by Rauko (and the error I'm observing) is from the calculation attempting to calculate values to the negative limit of whatever variable type you're using for the altitude? If allowed to continue, perhaps it eventually ends with an overflow? Thanks again!
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