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Posts posted by nathan_xc

  1. Hi all,

    I recently installed SVE and EVE, but had issues with city lights showing up where they shouldn't, including on the Mun. So I tried removing all mods by deleting everything except the Squad folder from the GameData folder, but the issue is still there. There is a constant black spot with city lights below my spacecraft, along with strange terrain glitches when I land. I tried deleting all files and then re-installing KSP from Steam, but that didn't work either. Some other things I've tried:

    -Restarting computer

    -Creating a new save

    -Checking the log files for anything related to EVE. I didn't see anything. Here's ksp.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UgwscIqz2vif4znwUJSmPkBN7eOSnClE

    And here is player.log:


    Any ideas?

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