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  1. That fixed it, thanks! Messing with the color grading even "fixed" the planet colour thing too. Much appreciated.
  2. Hello, First of all thanks for this mod! It looks amazing and I used to consider it absolutely essential for KSP. I'm having a few graphical issues that I was hoping someone could help me out with (log file & screenshots below). I'm on a fresh install of 1.9.1, and this is the only mod I have running (along with the dependencies of course). The primary issues are that I encounter odd shadow effects whenever I zoom in on a craft, kerbal, or even a planet, and the planet colours seem a bit off from what they look like in the promotional video and screenshots. I guess I would describe them as being... not saturated enough? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtuj0fdg75ilwkk/Player.log?dl=0 Screenshot 1 (shadow glitch): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7wh7vpvk8vbem1f/ShadowGlitch1.png?dl=0 Screenshot 2 (shadow glitch): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwlfee4upqyvlpv/ShadowGlitch2.png?dl=0 Screenshot 3 (colour?): https://www.dropbox.com/s/fotdrio9m5yh043/Colour.png?dl=0 Screenshot 4 (Game Data folder): https://www.dropbox.com/s/28kmpets25n7f7k/GameData.png?dl=0
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