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  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 11 x64 | CPU: i7 | GPU: 4090 | RAM: 64GB It's possible the below is not a bug and is intended behavior, but its difficult to say for sure as its unclear to me how heating and heat accumulation for specific parts works. I built a simple craft with the nose being a clamp-o-tron standard size docking clamp. During craft ascent the part heats up and is destroyed, despite the aerogui debug menu never showing the external temperature coming close to the part's reported 750K max temp (it reads around 250k during the hottest part of the ascent). Included Attachments: bug_report.mp4 MunarLander.json
  2. KSP Version: OS: Windows 11 CPU: NVidia 3090 Description: Observed Behavior: Struts are not allowed to be placed on openable cargo bay doors (e.g. the doors of the CBL-250). This restriction can be bypassed by entering a symmetry mode in the VAB and placing the node on the non-door section of the CBL-250 (or other similar part). Even if the actual strut can not be connected between its two placement points, the attachment point can still be created via this method. The placement point create will then 'float' when the cargo bay doors are opened, while also still acting as a collider. This can cause issues with removal or placing payloads inside the cargo bay. Expected behavior: 1 of 3 options: Strut nodes should not be able to be placed on invalid surfaces when in symmetry mode, strut nodes should move with the movement of surfaces they are placed on relative to the rest of the craft, or strut nodes should be removed if the surface they are placed on changes its position relative to its origin position to the rest of the craft. The first option seems most consistent with what I believe is the intent of the game currently. Mods: None Other: Gallery of below images https://imgur.com/a/h2XRvs9 1x attachment mode showing the correct behavior of not allowing the strut placement on openable cargo bay doors Incorrect behavior of allowing the node to be placed on doors indirectly by entering 2x symmetry and putting the primary attachment point on the non-door side of the cargo bay Incorrectly attached node Node floating in VAB Node still present/floating in flight.
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