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Posts posted by KrisKelvin

  1. On 8/23/2022 at 6:30 PM, DeadJohn said:

    Assuming you found a legit 1.12.3 download site you don't need anything else. You're trying a fresh install with none of your old settings and none of your saved progress. It's a completely fresh start in case anything from your old game is incompatible with 1.12.3.

    Mods generally go into subfolders beneath the gamedata folder inside your KSC install folder. Stock and DLC parts are also inside gamedata. The ModuleManager mod, a requirement for many other mods, is an exception that leaves some files inside gamedata instead of a subfolder.

    Ok, thanks for your help. The game downloads are from the KSP website where I originally bought the game from. Though it seems to now be called "Private Division" 

  2. 25 minutes ago, DeadJohn said:

    64-bit 1.12.3 is the best version to use if you're on a 64 bit version of Windows. Based on your old posts you have a good PC (32 GB RAM, 12 GB graphics card) which probably rules out "too old to run 1.12.3".

    Your post history also says you use mods. Putting 1.12.3 into the old 1.9 folder was a mistake because an old mod might need updating: you don't know whether your loading problem is KSP 1.12, a mod, or something else. I'll quote my earlier post: "install 1.12.3 to a new folder. You can then install mods later."

    Actually I no longer have that PC unfortunately. I am now running on a laptop 2.4GHZ i9 with 64GB ram and NVIDIA GeForce 1650 Ti 4GB graphics card.

    But I shall re-install to a clean folder and try again. What do I need to keep from the old installation? Are the mods all in one directory? (I seem to recall the whole mod process as being rather err.. elaborate)

  3. 18 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

    The last version of KSP before development and bug fixes ended is 1.12.3. To upgrade KSP you need to do it through whatever online store, such as Steam, you bought it from.

    You posted this in the "modded" forum, so I'll add that changing from 1.9 to 1.12.3 may break some of your mods. Make a full backup of your current KSP 1.9 so you can keep playing that if you want, install 1.12.3 to a new folder. You can then install mods later.

    thanks. I found 1.12.23 on the website and just downloaded it from there. But before I saw this post I just installed it in the same folder as my old version (as I didn't want to use up all my disk space).

    Not sure if that was a good idea though as it's now taken over 15 mins to start the program and it's still trying! I know KSP always used to be ridiculously slow loading, but it was never this bad! The yellow progress bar is not even half way!

    I read elsewhere on this forum that the Win 64bit version was full of bugs and should be avoided. Is that still the case?

  4. 23 hours ago, Boyster said:

    The purple is the future orbit you gonna have after you insert to Kerbin and leave Mun's influence, is that what you mean?

    But it just confuses the picture! I want to see the elliptical orbit that would go around Kerbin.

    11 hours ago, Reactordrone said:

    You're burning on the wrong side of the Mun but the new orbit is the one in Kerbin's sphere of influence rather than the Mun and you do want to see where the orbit will be relative to Kerbin.

    No. I am burning on the correct side of mun (the side opposite Kerbin). A prograde burn there will extend my apoapsis out to Kerbin (which is what I want). But I just want to be able to see the damn orbit I am creating! Not have it suddenly break and change colour. I can't see what I'm doing!

  5. Ok, so I am in low Munar orbit and want to get back to Kerbin. So I tried to make a maneuver node on the far side of Mun and pulled the prograde handle to elongate the orbit towards Kerbin. The brown dotted orbit is forming nicely then suddenly it breaks into a purple dotted line which is very confusing! Why will it not just let me plan an orbit to go back to Kerbin?

    Here's a video of what I mean


  6. 6 hours ago, Kerbart said:

    Only if you're gullible enough to believe that kind of disinformation.

    Why does that make me gullible? It makes very specific points and I don’t see what the motivation would be to fabricate them. 

    Conversely perhaps you’re too much of a fanboy not to believe them?

    In any case, I’ll go and look for other threads.

    thanks all

  7. On 6/30/2020 at 10:50 PM, OHara said:

    Right mouse-click with the pointer over a part.  I see it called the Part Action Window (PAW) in this forum, but the KSPedia just says right button click md8mmQe.jpg

    Hmm.. that's strange. I don't get that menu if I right mouse click over a part. 

    I am on 1.9.1

    However, I can seem to move the viewpoint a bit by holding down the mousewheel as a button and moving the mouse. Thanks for that!

  8. 17 hours ago, OHara said:

    Nothing exactly like in the VAB but

    1) you can "Aim camera" from the right--click menu so that the camera is centered on that part; select again to toggle back to centering the view on the CoM

    2) you can pan the camera aiming with hold-middle-mouse-button and drag, then a double-middle-click resets the aiming to the CoM or the part chosen as above (see KSPedia under mouse controls).

    I guess the first one will be more useful for what you want --- and hope someone else knows an even easier way.

    When you say "right click menu" what do you mean? If I right click, I get nothing.

  9. 10 hours ago, Lisias said:

    With a hell of a machine like that, I really doubt your problem is the GPU or VRAM.

    Let's try a trouble shooting. Create a completely new (and disposable) savegame.

    1) Fly a pretty simple craft - 5 parts maximum. Check how things are going.

    2) Fly a part with about 100 parts minimum. Check how things are going.

    If the number 1 is laggy already, then you had abused the EVE settings to a whole new level :) or you have something borking relentlessly on your system. Some Add'Ons can bork on a pretty special place called Update (or, worst, on the FixedUpdated) that are code that runs a really lot of times per second. If something goes wrong on that code, a error message is logged on the KSP.log file - and having this file being written tens or even hundred times a second can put the best of the computers crying on its knees. Check the size of the KSP.log, when this happens you have a really huge file (hundreds of megabytes, once I reached 1G).

    If the item 1 runs OK, and the 2 goes bad, try a 50 part craft and compare it with the option 1 and 2.

    This will help me to guess what's going on (different Add'Ons induces heavy computations in different ways - if you don't feel a difference between 50 and 100 parts, then it's probably something related to the simulator itself. If 50 feels better than 100, then it's probably too much add'ons installed, and you will need to profile them to choose who will leave).


    Do you have some sparing paper tissue to lean? :D

    Ok, thanks. I just tried what you suggested and I am not really seeing any glitchiness even with big craft. So i think I must have had something else running last time. Thanks anyway.

  10. 1 minute ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

    Little blue arrows should appear on your orbit and the orbit of your target indicating where the two will be at the closest approach, and the arrow on your orbit will also tell you the distance from the target, relative velocity and when it will happen.

    You may have to switch on 'always show closest approach' for this to work properly, it's in the main menu settings and is well worth switching on as it's very helpful and (AFAIK) doesn't impact on game performance.

    Transfers to the Mun are pretty easy to judge- if you're pointing prograde and the Mun is directly ahead of you, that's the point when you make your burn- a transfer to the Mun takes a day and the Mun orbits Kerbin every 4 days. It's a good approximation and can help you get the rough encounter so you can then tweak it to be more efficient.

    ok, I'll give that a try. Thanks

  11. wow! that's great. Learned all sorts of things there (like you can type a delta V into the maneuver gizmo! and that you can switch focus to Mun). Thanks. I do find it annoying that KSP doesn't just have a pan feature like most games do. The view always has to be centred on something, so it can be really annoying to get the view you need.

    One question.. what does set Mun as target add to the process? I've not used that before, I just use the maneuver node. All set Mun as target seems to do is draw a yellow diameter across your orbit for some reason. How does that help?

  12. 7 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    Your goal should be to get the lowest periapsis over the Mun possible without crashing into it. For example, 10km or so. Reason being that capture burns are more efficient the lower the flyby periapsis is.

    You will discover that you best achieve this through a combination of adding dV and repositioning the maneuver node. For precision control, I recommend using the node editor in the lower left instead of dragging the node around with your mouse. After you have your initial encounter, focus your view on the Mun to tweak it.

    Oh is that what the purple line is? Right.. I'll try that.

  13. When I create a maneuver node to get to Mun, I first pull on the prograde handle to get the apoapsis height up to the Munar orbit height, then I rotate the node until I get an encounter (which I think is the little brown circle with the hooked arrow in). But as you see from this video, there is a range of angles which will give me an encounter. As I rotate the node, the Munar encounter point moves around (plus a whole load of extra coloured lines annoyingly appear to confuse me!).

    So my question is, where should I be trying to get my Munar encounter point to be? Or in other words, when should I stop rotating the node? Where is the right place?


  14. 16 hours ago, Geonovast said:

    Exact opposite.  The launcher has been defunct for quite some time and causes all kinds of problems.  I wish they'd just remove it from the download.  You're better off deleting the shortcut and forgetting it exists.

    perfect. Deleted. Thanks

  15. On 6/14/2020 at 4:08 AM, Joe Wang said:

    Is it difficult to use the space simulator? I was playing flight simulator a long time ago, when I was still in high school... but that was in the 90's lol...

    Joe, It's difficult but not too difficult to be enjoyable. You need some difficulty for it to be a challenge. I've been at it a month and feel I am making decent progress. It's also difficult because it's based on the actual physics of spaceflight (rather than some simplistic arcade game). And there are some things about the physics of spaceflight that can seem a bit odd if you've spent a while living on the Earth ;-)

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