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  1. The full ten seconds has been fulfilled and the probe has launched for two years and 77 days Kerban time. I’ll do a small adjustment at periapsis (in 235 days) and after that I’m out of ideas.
  2. @Gargamel, I’m definitely going the right direction, so that’s not it.
  3. Hey All, I'm trying to complete the map nine asteroids with a Sentinel infrared telescope contract. I have reached the orbit but every time I come back to view the spacecraft on the map it shows it shows the contract orbit again as if I hadn't reached the proper orbit. As soon as I click on the spacecraft to control it and go to map the contact orbit disappears as if I am in the correct orbit again. I have gone so far as to intentionally fire retrograde until the contract orbit appears in the map again then fire prograde until it disappears again and shows that I am in the correct orbit for the contract. Go away from the satellite, click on it again and guess what, contract parameter not complete again. As soon as I control the satellite it shows orbit parameter complete..... Sigh. Any ideas?
  4. ****** NM, I found the right screen and got it straightened out****** I'm trying to get a logitech extreme 3d pro to work with ksp on my mac. It is listed under the USB in system support but the stick axis do not work in game. I can however remap the buttons under settings in KSP Any ideas? Mojave 10.14.6 KSP
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