I wanted to tag this with asking about what are good mods to extend the galaxy/universe of KSP?
So far I have figured that some of the consistent "Must Have Mods" are:
1. MechJeb
2. Kerbal Engineering Redux
3. KAS + KIS
4. Kerbal Alarm Clock
If you have any more to add to that list please post.
Thank you for the VERY DEEP insight, Street. I was hoping to find a way, other than trial and error experimenting, to calculate reaching a certain altitude in order to complete some contracts.
Has anyone figured out a quick/easy way to calculate how high each stage of your craft will take you? I thought I had stumbled on to delta-V*(burn time/2) as a plausible way to get a good approximation but in my testing in sandbox mode I found I am completely off when it comes to multistage setups.