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  1. Need https://spacedock.info/mod/596/Camera Focus Changer in KSP2 for sure, really missing it ... not fun looking at boosters when my command pod isn't even in sight
  2. I have done some basic testing and it seems to work fine. I do have a Feature Request for this mod: I would love to see compatibility with RSS and Real Exoplanets. That would allow me to build out my dream end game (RSS with all possible extensions; currently in my 1.10.1 I have working RSS, Real Exoplanets, and all of the Real Expansion .. on my main save on 1.9.1 I have a jam packed Kerbol System with Kerbin as the homeworld along with GPP, as/with GPP Secondary, GEP, OPM, MPE, Nibiru, and Corelian as well as Real Exoplanets for some Interstellar fun. I would die a happy kerbal...err, human... if I could bring this all together into a common "galaxy" as well as have a few additional procedurally generated star systems using assets from aforementioned and other/additional planet packs and PsiCartographer. If anyone has any tips/cfgs for such an endeavor I'd be delighted to be enlightened. I've been playing around for the last couple days but my skills level is ~ I was thrilled when I was able to find/replace "@Kopernicus:AFTER[RealSolarSystem]" with "@Kopernicus:AFTER[KSRSS]" in all cfg files within/to get Real Expansion working with a 1.8.1 KSRSS instance I had...so I'm not too hopeful I'll find a solution to my end game dream on my own. Having TBG work with RSS/REX I feel would allow me to achieve that though.
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