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Everything posted by GK7

  1. I cant seem to get the RO configs to work, the fuel requirements say NaN unit for Fuel Required, and the RealPlume Plume isnt showing up, very problematic, I am just starting to make engines for RO/RSS. RO Configs @PART[EM2GK7]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True @MODEL { @scale = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 } %scale = 2.0 @rescaleFactor = 2.0 @title = Aquarius EM-2 @description = First Stage Engine For the Aquarius Rocket %manufacturer = RDC @mass = 2.359 @maxTemp = 773.15 %skinMaxTemp = 873.15 !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { } !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @minThrust = 100.75 @maxThrust = 155 @heatProduction = 100 @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LiquidMethane @ratio = .341 %DrawGauge = True } @PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { @name = LiquidOxygen @ratio = 3 } @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 309 @key,1 = 1 248 } %ullage = True %pressureFed = False %ignitions = 2 !IGNITOR_RESOURCE,* {} IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.5 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleEngines configuration = AQUARIUSL origMass = 2.359 modded = false CONFIG { name = Aquarius Lower minThrust = 100.75 maxThrust = 155 heatProduction = 100 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidMethane ratio = .341 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidOxygen ratio = 3 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 309 key = 1 248 } } } @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { !responseSpeed = DELETE %gimbalResponseSpeed = 25 %useGimbalResponseSpeed = true } } RP Configs @PART[EM2GK7]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesRF !runningEffectName = DELETE %directThrottleEffectName = Methalox-Lower } @MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs] { %type = ModuleEnginesRF } PLUME { name = Methalox-Lower transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,0 fixedScale = 2.0 energy = 2 speed = 1 } } Original Configs PART { name = EM2GK7 module = Part author = GK7 MODEL { model = RDCmods/Parts/Engine/EM2/model scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.7354356, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -1.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running sound_vent_medium = engage sound_rocket_hard = running sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout TechRequired = heavyRocketry entryCost = 4200 cost = 1300 category = Engine subcategory = 0 title = EM-2 manufacturer = RDC description = Large Methalox First stage engine attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 mass = 1.75 heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating. dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size2 tags = #autoLOC_500453 //#autoLOC_500453 = lander orbit (poodle propuls rocket MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 1500 heatProduction = 83 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.4 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.75 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 350 key = 1 90 key = 3 0.001 } } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = fairing bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5 jettisonForce = 15 jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalRange = 4.5 } MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = overheat responseSpeed = 0.001 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True } MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 8.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject useStaging = True useEvent = True situationMask = 127 CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ALWAYS prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = BODYANDSITUATION prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ONCEPERPART prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 4000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 8000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 2000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 4000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 1000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 2000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = GT value = 0 // this just registers altitude as something to care about situationMask = 8 } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = LT value = 300000 situationMask = 16 body = _NotSun } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = LT value = 600000 situationMask = 32 body = _NotSun } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 0 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 600 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 300 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 1200 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 600 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 2500 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 200 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 100 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 100 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 50 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 50 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 20 prestige = Exceptional } } MODULE { name = ModuleSurfaceFX thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0 fxMax = 0.6 maxDistance = 30 falloff = 1.5 thrustTransformName = thrustTransform } } Thanks to anyone who can help!
  2. I would like to make animated solar panels, how do I make the animation and how do I Implement that into ksp, Thanks to anyone who can help GK7
  3. I would like to make a life support mod, similar to TAC but more resources, like the ability to turn ore into water/oxygen, and the need for nitrogen for pressurization, and the ability to turn fuel into water / oxygen all in one mod, I would also like to make some parts that are able to recycle water, make food, turn carbon into soil for plants, and have greenhouses produce oxygen and food. Thanks to anyone that can help
  4. I would say SVE, EVE, and scatterer are one of the best things for ksp, it makes it look really cool and more natural
  5. Yeah, If I do 2 thrustTransforms, and under that both of the individual engine models unity doesnt load the texture, it just loads the model which is incomplete
  6. I cant seem to make my engine gimbal, here is the code and I have gimbalTransform1 and gimbalTransform2 in unity as gameobjects under the main gameobject https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usJhwl4Oqh3YhMvfqJlxrkZjKTXiGpL-/view?usp=sharing I am using rsb RD-180 as a base
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