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Gary Jarcya

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  1. With respect sir, saying: "this isn't a freemium game with microtransactions" Is not the same as saying : "there will not be microtransactions." I really want to believe in your seemingly well natured intentions but we all know this is a grimey industry, and in the case of flying tiger, and star theory, it's a cut throat and unforgiving industry as well. Please acknowledge that if you aren't trying to con your way into our good graces with clever wording, that you at least sound exactly like a conman trying to gain our confidence would sound like. We are all worried about the news and we have a right to be, very rarely has a story about companies behind a game like this turned out to be overwhelmingly positive. Even destiny with it's arguable success was met with scrutiny and confusion towards Bungie by fans who knew there had to be more to the story so to speak. If we had anything to look forward to at all, whether that was blogs that seem to have dried up after the second or third installments, or even a release window smaller than 365 days, I think appreciative would be an understatement. We are afraid and I don't think a small morsel to chew on is too much to ask for your hungry and ravenous few, foremost in loyalty. The devoted gathered here are not the crowd to disappoint if you are deciding between us and the teeming masses of newcomers [snip] you claim to spend so much time on the UI for. We put you on the map, and without us you will fall off of it.
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