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Posts posted by FOCFF

  1. What the hell is going on with the maneuver autopilot? I have a manned station orbiting Duna, and I'm trying to send other components for building the station in orbit. 

    It worked perfectly fine earlier today, and now whenever I try to select "Transfer to another planet" at "next available window" I get told "an error occured while creating the node". Literally nothing has changed between when I last used it, and now, yet it doesn't work for ANY craft transferring to ANY planet. For clarification

    -  I have done F5/F9 saves, I reset the game, and my entire PC

    - I am controlling from the proper part

    - The engine I plan on using is enabled

    - I have communications established everywhere

    - My target is selected

    -  My inclination is 0 degrees

    -  My orbit is eccentric, and is above 100km

    As said above, it went from working fine to suddenly not working under any circumstances at all. If I check the ingame F12 console, I see many lines of "timeout exception brents rootfinding method maximum iterations" in red. What gives?

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