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    Explosive Systems Analyst
  1. I honestly haven't noticed any increase in loading time from previous versions. And I would say my computer is solidly middle-of-the-road.
  2. Aww...you're making me blush!
  3. I'm still here. Lost about 40-50 posts, I think. Not the end of the world.
  4. You could also try turning the music all the way down, and playing some Bach from another source in the background; i.e. Itunes or Pandora.
  5. If you go to the KSP Fan-Works subforum, there is a specific heading called "Writing". That sounds like the best place to me. Good luck on your story!
  6. Unfortunately, they are not, as I don't want to tread on the copyright toes of Squad. I did provide a link to the stencil, which combined with a tutorial can help you make your own.
  7. I figured I'd post these again, since many new players have joined the community since the original post (which was deleted). These were made with stencils and bleach. Blue Green Stencil http://i.imgur.com/CmDx4.jpg
  8. They mentioned if you joined after October 2012, your account may be deleted. Before that it seems comments and reputation have been reset.
  9. I don\'t know...It\'s using the old kerbin, the rocket design looks vaguely like a corn cob, and the drop shadow behind kerbin is crazy huge.All true, but then again, it\'s usually seen at 200x200 max.
  10. I know Harv just released a new icon with the last update, but I thought other Kerbonauts might like to see my custom icon.
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