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  1. I've installed all the mods (except for the visual enhancements for the moment) according to the instructions at https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.8.1 Things appear to be working okay though I don't have any of the du guff when I right click on an engine. The four lines between the Engine button and 'Rated burntime' as shown here https://imgur.com/a/K5JEGQA aren't present. How do I get then to appear? Also is there a way to show all the patches that are running. Patch manager just shows ROEngines. Lastly, all flights end in either an explosion or engine shutdown when about 10% of the fuel is remaining. I can never get over 95km. TestLite says something about complete engine shutdown so I suppose that's it working. Seems odd though that I'm collecting telemetry then building new sounding rockets only to have the same failure.
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