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Everything posted by DanThe#Man

  1. I'm not cheating, but I am on 1.9.1 with the Kopernicus fork.
  2. I'm loving the pack so far, but I'm having some weird graphical issues. Firstly, after playing for a while the ground scatter starts to get all messed up for some reason, resulting in trees floating in the air at odd angles or spawning in the ocean. Reloading the game via a quicksave fixes it temporarily but it still happens again after a while. Also, Armstrong's terrain looks weird, with patchworks of terrain textures rather than one whole thing (it looks fine from map view, and I haven't verified if other planets are affected by this). I'm not running any graphics mods other than the ones recomended (EVE, Scatter, etc). https://imgur.com/r0n9dEK https://imgur.com/QEccKF7 https://imgur.com/xovloCs
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