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Everything posted by AechBomb

  1. I tested this in a fresh stock install of 1.10, and the XL panels overheated, but all the smaller panels stayed intact through the atmosphere, all the way to impact I think the panels didn't overheat before because the craft was spinning and distributing the heat better video link
  2. I was returning a ship from kerbin orbit so I could recover it, and I expected the solar panels to snap off, but they stayed quite attatched throught re-entry and all the way to landing. I remember having solar panels snap off in the slightest breeze in the past, these seem far stronger than they ought to be. Is this an intended feature, or is something up with my install? Link to video of the re-entry in question (playing in Sandbox mode, Normal difficulty defaults, no cheats enabled) I'm playing version 1.10, these are the mods I have installed: Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux Kerbal Atomics/Cryo Tanks Texture Replacer Both of the official DLCs Kerbal Alarm Clock Transfer Window Planner Planetary Base Systems
  3. for me the 'autostrut' option is missing for all parts, along with 'aim camera' in flight 'disable/enable staging' is also missing in the editor for decouplers and docking ports (I confirmed this one on fresh unmodded install with neither DLC) I got my copy via the ksp website's store download page (portable .zip), if that matters I really like the new ESA parts, and the fairings look awesome, but idk why some of the context menu options are gone now
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