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  1. Cool! Then I will Work on getting duna ready for that day
  2. Thank you all who tested! haha the first work around I did was putting the stake or part on the ground while next to the vessel then just leap froged it to the destination. Slow but it worked. But making a rover with KIS container would be smarter! Ok next question, and this is probably the same issue (that im on 1.10, but maybe not) I have Rocket parts, a work station, and a orbital dock. I click on the open UI, then I click on select craft, then i click the load button after selecting the craft i want to build (just a Mk1 capsule for testing). When i click the load button nothing happens. Am i missing something. or is it from being in 1.10?
  3. I am in need of some help, New to KSP and EL. When I go to place the stake it disapears in my inventory but doesnt get placed in the ground. Im not sure what to tell you so you could help me. Hmm doing some tests and it look like it might be a kas or kis problem. If i pull the stake strait from a container and stick it in the ground it works fine. but if i put it into the kerbals inventory and then try putting it in the ground it disappears. (seems like it is doing that for all of my other Items too....)
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