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Everything posted by steve9728

  1. My gf has a "bad hobby (absolute kidding)": going to gym nearly every day. And she told me today there's a guy called himself Changshu Arnold - who using literally hell of drug for muscle. Can't find English introducing video at YouTube, but I got one in English by Greg talking about him "This retarded dosing criterion: feeling full or not" Sorry Schwarzenegger
  2. The original source from Changguang's official weibo had post some satellite image gif.
  3. Yeah, you can spend some money on a set of large aperture binoculars, the more expensive you spend, the clearer you got. Or you can send yourself up there to help us looking after it 24/7. You know, that's not Shijian-21 which can run away, you can't miss it.
  4. Nah, your idea isn't wild enough. Let me tell you secretly and please don't say it loud that is I told you: Is Kontakt. Three secret EVA for instal the Kontakt on three module. How reasonable isn't it? Relating spacewalks to losing face, have to say, that's the field of thought I hadn't thought of.
  5. Every spring (it's about that time now) when the rivers been frozen in northern China is about to melt, in order to prevent ice flooding, that needs the gov to blasting the ice. Some easy to reach and not that dangerous places, such as the Heilongjiang River on the Russian- Chinese border, can be blasted by going directly onto the ice and installing explosives. But some river, such as Yellow River, that needs army using the artillery or even air force to send the bombers
  6. It's still pretty cold on Mars according to the weather report from Perseverance. The only hope is that the Martian summer can come soon.
  7. The original "betting" slot of "other" from that guy literally translate is "other, such as scrapped before launch." At very first moment I think is it highly likely to be delayed. So, I choose other. But think it back, it's guessing how this rocket ended up, and the delay merely delayed the end. My own guess now is that it might be due to low temperature fuel and pressure issues to make "other" comes real.
  8. Don't so that familiar on Space X but... Have to say, although I place my bet on failure because "other reason", but the rest of 49% of my mind is hoping Starship can fully success Another guessing by same guy: what you think about can Starship launch tonight (the time zone in China the live was started around 20:35)? Left is delay and right is launch. I was missed this guess. I think somewhere on this world should have a bookie that running some kind betting like that.
  9. Of course, as long-winded as this may seem, but it's still important to mention that please drink responsibly, don't let the minors drink and don't drive after drunk.
  10. Good news is that unlike the tequila, you don't need to eat the 'contents', you just need to drink the liquid.
  11. If only some kind "home brew", the answer is yes. Broadly, there's Baijiu (白酒 White wine), Huangjiu (黄酒, Yellow wine). Baijiu is distilled wine and Huangjiu fermented wine. Basically, all starchy crops have been made into wine by us Chinese, including but not limited to rice, wheat, sorghum, barley, and sweet potatoes. One of the homemade wine made by rice called Sweet Ferment Rice (醪糟) is particularly tasty, looks harmless and you will have no problems with it for the first 5 minutes - I can't guarantee what happens after that. In Shaoxing, that's a kind of wine made by rice called "Daughter Red (女儿红)". It means that after the birth of a daughter in the family, after the kid's first month, the father will choose a few jars of wine and bury them in the ground (today it's sealed and kept in somewhere of the house). When the daughter was married, he would take them out and serve them to his guests. Some of them made by sweet potato. You can think it's some kind vodka. Video about how people make this little monster: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tG411N7cg/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=6fef304b8d0c4737896e6b702ddfbfb3 But meanwhile, there's something call "medicinal wine (药酒)". Just like my UK classmates said to me that "better don't ask what's in the pie", kindly suggest don't ask what they put in the wine. The whisky or other wine from outside of China, yes, we like to drink it. Fun fact is, in the club they not only mix with coke, but also mixed in the tea drink which added sugar. On my return from the UK, I brought back bottles of Glenlivet for my parents and my gf's parents respectively from Heathrow. Judging by their facial expressions and subsequent developments, it was a great gift.
  12. Reminds me one day I saw a squirrel probably ate some "expired" berries. The pace and demeanour are highly similar to a friend of mine who loves to drink.
  13. Boundary. Shooting around the space station is quite a fun It's -10% off on steam currently. And funniest thing is, the company is online live they debug the game! https://live.bilibili.com/27582061?broadcast_type=0&is_room_feed=1&spm_id_from=333.999.live_users_card.0.click&live_from=86001
  14. Confirm. CMS's official weibo said that, Shenzhou-14 crew break the record of single taikonaut crew who finished the spacewalk. During these four spacewalks, the installation of the extra-vehicular extension pump set, the installation and connection of the cross-module cable and the installation of the extra-vehicular load exposure platform support rods were successfully completed. The foundation has been laid for subsequent large-scale extra-vehicular science and technology experiments. According to the previous report said that the Blue Suit B is undergo a suit life test to provide some reference for subsequent suit improvements. The Blue Suit B will now be used more often to reach its design life, which is three years or 15 missions.
  15. I got a ex from there before. I asked her and her answer is she also don't know why. Perhaps the people who first started doing this thought it would be more convenient - after all, you don't have to wash the cups. And the most important thing is, it's fresh: you need to drink it ASAP. The way they drink is buy the beer from the street. Carry it home in bag and hang it on the corner of the table. Poke a small hole on the bag and squeeze the glass against the bag to pour the beer.
  16. In Qingdao, people use plastic bag to hold the fresh beer https://shanghaimetalcorporation.wordpress.com/2014/09/09/only-in-china-drink-beer-straight-from-a-plastic-bag/
  17. Damn, why did I sleep one more hour today! The mission patch for this mission I think can put the CNSA's best design list: via. https://weibo.com/6542831193/MCdGc764k "Cao Xiaozhong (曹晓钟), general director of the Fengyun Meteorological Satellite Project and deputy director of the China Meteorological Administration, said in an interview at the JSLC that FY-3G is China's first satellite to make active measurements of precipitation. Which can achieve global three-dimensional atmospheric, cloud and precipitation structure detection through star-ground radar fusion applications, and will be applied to typhoons, rainstorms and other extreme catastrophic weather monitoring and forecasting, as well as playing a role in ecology and environment, energy, agriculture and health." Add: good news is I found the live record in YouTube, bad news is that's full Chinese without subs
  18. 3 of 4 spacewalk are secret. Which means CCTV didn't make live program like before. Quite curious what did the crew were done outside. If no surprise, we should know within next 48 hours that who carried out the EVA and which spacesuits were the crew wearing. Hope Deng Qingming can go for a spacewalk this time.
  19. Summer is incoming. P!ssed off Steve chill down a while... for now
  20. There we go: via. https://weibo.com/2348604107/MC4c2BkHB Video taken from a lorry driver and somewhere else.
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