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  1. Parallax sadly not, and atm I have no future plans to update the mod to do so
  2. As it stands that's currently baked in to the mod. I'll see about maybe exposing that setting at some point but I wouldn't hold your breath as I'm pretty busy lately. Sorry!
  3. Just KEC-er, but you can also install KEC-er stock configs if you want footprints.
  4. Did this change recently? like specifically with beta9.1? Because if so I'm pretty sure I know the exact issue. It should be safe to ignore since it seems to be an issue with an older system that I don't think any planet packs use. Things like footprints or anything from Kcalbeloh shouldn't be affected by that specific issue, but I'll definitely wanna patch that out somehow just in case.
  5. That's a good plan. I'll add that next release. Looks like the stock configs really shouldn't affect it if another planet pack replaces the planets so considering how lightweight it is it really shouldn't matter what happens to it in the future, though I'll probably want to consolidate all those files in to a single file. A separate download can't hurt though!
  6. I probably wouldn't. Maybe for the stock configs, but since the rest of the mod is entirely compatible, and it's not a gamebreaking issue I don't think it's necessary.
  7. I'd probably say a separate thing for that would be wise. Something like KopernicusExpansion-Stock Configs. I figure any actual examples or devtools can just stay on github, but I know some of the people who want stock footprints would probably like that on CKAN. I don't think it would cause issues if it was installed by default, but I honestly can't say for certain as I haven't tested it. Huh I'll have to take a look. The way footprints work is it basically glues little planes with footprint textures to the ground, which is usually a flat plane. So since parallax makes it bumpy it can cause issues. I could rework it to project the texture somehow but any way I've thought about would probably cause lag, so it's something I gave up hope with.
  8. No, but I'll see about adding them. You're fine. 1.12 should work fine. Parallax changes the way the terrain works so parallax is not supported for footprints, but everything else should work fine. Hey thanks! I'll add it next release. Sorry for going off the radar y'all, college drained me of any creative desire. No guarantees I'll be adding much more than the bare minimum, but I plan to start looking in to it. Just need to relearn what on earth I was doing. I've added the mod to SpaceDock for easy download and I did mark it to be added by CKAN so hopefully that can go through soon.
  9. It could be, but I've never seen this. Could you make the log public so I can take a look?
  10. Well my adaptation should still work with older versions, but I definitely recommend using the newest if you wanna try it.
  11. Ah thanks for the heads up. As far as working together, honestly it's the easiest fix ever. The only trick is just getting it to look like it did before. The old implementation allows clouds to be unaffected by scatterer, and therefore eve clouds render OVER scatterer. This implementation renders clouds UNDER scatterer, which is more realistic, but does alter the look. I found my settings looked fairly good, but ultimately it's up to the original team, if they even want to update that. Haven't tested it with old scatterer either, so it could alter compatibility.
  12. Currently working on a fix for Jool and Lindor in the latest scatterer. I'm not part of the original team so this will be a separate thing unless someone adds it. Basically as it stands, Jool and Lindor make EVE clouds and Scatterer effects separate. Specifically they disabled integration of the two. Now I haven't figured out exactly why this makes everything go black, but I do know how to fix it. In Gamedata\JNSQ\JNSQ_Configs\Scatterer\planetsList.cfg adjust both Jool and Lindor to have usesCloudIntegration = true, then in Gamedata\JNSQ\JNSQ_Configs\Scatterer\Planets\(INSERTPLANETHERE)\atmo.cfg adjust cloudColorMultipier to = 1, and EVEIntegration_preserveCloudColors to = True. This should get a fairly close to original look. This is not necessarily a permanent fix though. I have gotten some weirdness with adjusting EVE configs, and tbh I haven't compared it to the original, but it should be good enough for now.
  13. Quick update, working on a planet pack in parallel. As a hint, let's just say "I don't know what." It's an expansion for an existing pack. This does mean I will be working on this as I will likely need the modular noise and comet parts.
  14. I cannot guarantee this would be possible, but I suppose making wormholes a "relay" could work. It depends on how the relays work, but chances are I could rig something. I'll keep it in mind.
  15. Hey all, been a while. I won't bore y'all with the details but I do hope to focus more on the mod soon. With ksp 1.12 out, and ksp 2 no doubt around the corner, I'd like to get this in a FULLY usable form. If you're a modder, feel free to contact me to help me some, but in the meantime I will be focusing on getting this back to fully usable. This does mean that I will be moving 1.12 to fully supported, and hopefully by the end of the summer it will be fully up to date. At which point I do have some plans to hopefully "weld" some mods back together, assuming someone doesn't get to it first that is. As of now, all added features will be put on hold, and footprints will be the last thing I work on. I may turn that in to a separate mod built from the ground up to support Parallax, and hopefully have tire tracks, landing gear tracks, and engine dust and soot (hopefully dependent on fuel type and thrust). But I digress, these are things far in the future. For now, expect ModularNoise to be back in the coming month or two, then hopefully I can work out how to use stock comet effects for the comet library. Thanks for the support! Vabien
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