Hi. I'm trying to play this game in my own way, and my way consists of me having to make precise calculations given previous similar experimental data. For instance: let's suppose I need to be at height h with speed v with a rocket (some common missions ask that). To do that I want to calculate the tweakable settings to apply to obtain that result. The last piece I'm missing now is a model for the drag force.
I already got data about thrust in function of atmospheric pressure, athmosferic density in function of pressure and pressure in function of height. I got this data using, modifying and running the mod KOS, but now I'm switching to RedOnion (check it out!).
The question itself is this: how does AeroGUI calculate the shown Total Drag or CdS??? I tried various properties like part.DragCube.various_things with various multiplications and computation of total drag vectors, but I can't get AeroGUI value and I don't know the meaning of any of those various_properties of DragCube.
I hope I wrote clearly enough.. Thank you.