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  1. I think that I was misunderstood, I know that there is a mirrored version of a model for the wheel, I just asked if you can add a switchable variant for this part that will switch between mirrored versions of models so creating a vessel like on picture would be possible in one piece. Wheels on the front can't be placed like that during construction. Also I have noticed that mirrored version of the model appears to steer wrong way while physically working correctly. This craft is supposed to turn right and it does so without problem, but mirrored wheels (front-left and back-right) appear to be turned wrong way.
  2. Odd, I remember them working during testing. I'll see if I can figure out why they aren't working. All wheels (except F1-MR and D1-MR) don't work as expected. From what I've observed it seems that wheels cling to the ground when used as if there is something sticking out and it is most noticeable for F2-MR which acts like it doesn't touch the ground. Can there be something wrong with collision? Also D1-MR is radially attached and asymmetrical part and because of that it is impossible (at least I can't figure that out) to attach this part on the outer side of the craft in a way that will allow it to fold forwards. Should this wheel have a mirrored variant like propeller blades have?
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