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Everything posted by Alversia

  1. Hi all! Just an update that I managed to solve this problem! I'm playing on a laptop and for some reason, it does not like when I attempt to use the trackpad to grab/detach/attach items. Whenever I plug in a mouse and use that however, the mod works perfectly fine.
  2. I've seen that notification when I try to move things that are too heavy for attaching but not detaching or grabbing.
  3. I did try that (and it is in the video) but the part doesn't seem to drag, the cursor does but the part just stays where is?
  4. Yup, I'm hovering over the part, holding "g" and left-clicking but nothing seems to be happening. Maybe it's just a bug with 1.10.1. Thanks for helping all the same. I'll just wait for an update and see if that fixes it!
  5. Thanks for the reply! No sound effect unfortunately, but the part does change colour (green when pressing g and purplely-blue when pressing x)
  6. Thanks for the reply! I've tried the buttons above but still no joy. I've attached a video of me attempting to detach a solar panel and to both grab it/a container off the side. I've also attached the Player.log as the KSP.log seemed to be empty? I'm not sure if it'll be of use. Thanks for any help! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YmRwDKu2lVaaiXJqfyS5VeHsQvqXrskG/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-lrOS9O6enL0dnSiuX57OO6Oy4Li0grO/view?usp=sharing
  7. I feel like an absolute moron. When I equip an item and attempt to detach an item (hold "h" and click on the part), nothing happens. I can't grab items as when I hold "g" and try to drag the part into my inventory, nothing happens there either). I feel like I'm doing something very obviously wrong but I've no idea what. I'm trying it with an engineer and I have the screwdriver equipped.
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