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Everything posted by Uncertaintea

  1. I am not saying it would be easy. My thought came from just being able to set apoapsis, periapsis, and longitude of periapsis (i.e. 2d orbit stuff). I imagined being able to click on a point in the orbit and drag it out and in to the desired point. It will tell apoapsis and periapsis and rendezvous distances. Maybe for the inclination you could hold shift or something, like in homeworld.
  2. What do you think about being able to edit maneuver nodes by dragging and dropping. What I mean is when you create a maneuver node it shows you your orbit, apoapsis, periapsis, ascending node, etc. you can then click and hold on any point of that orbit and drag it to the place you want to set the desired apoapsis, periapsis, whatever. It would then figure out where in the current orbit you need to be to achieve this and display all the information accordingly. I think that would make it much more useful as a "computer" because you can see the values you are setting, making circularization much more accurate and possibly eliminating steps in figuring out when to burn. What are your thoughts?
  3. excellent! that is exactly what i was looking for. I didn't know that there was no analytic solution which explains why i have had such a hard time with it. thank you
  4. I saw your post a day or so ago and thought it was well put together and would do everything i want, but i wouldn't learn anything from it except how to punch in numbers. I want to do it myself not have it done for me. My goal is to learn how to do the necessary calculations myself, maybe build my own calculator someday.
  5. I want to get to Jool in about 40 days. I am well aware that it will cost a lot of delt-v, what i am wondering is how do i find out exactly how much delta-v is needed for that leg of the journey? In an additional but related question: how do i determine an orbit specifically, by using the time and position vectors between two points. I know it can be done thanks to several tutorials i found out there but, for some reason, i just cannot wrap my head around what they are saying and am looking for another description. thanks sources i have used: http://www.braeunig.us/space/ http://www.ltas-vis.ulg.ac.be/cmsms/index.php?page=ad
  6. I was wondering if there are any detailed parts descriptions for the vanilla game and maybe even the mods? The Wiki has not been updated since 0.13 and so is lacking many items that have been added. Specifically i am interested in the performance characteristics of the new engines and the air intake parts. What are the ideal altitudes of the engines and how do the air intake parts effect their performance at various altitudes? How do the wings work in the game? How does lift affect their performance? Things like that. Is there any place that has information like that? Thanks.
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