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Giulio S

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Posts posted by Giulio S

  1. Hello dear Devs, hope you're doing great.

    I would like to share my opinion about the VAB's eye candy: I think it's not a great addition. This is because:

    1) it makes it uncomfortable to look at something in the right direction (e.g. making sure wings have the correct shape and dimensions) as it's way too bright and you get the occasional beam of light blocking your view

    2) uses GPU and RAM resources that can be used for other things (although it is true in the VAB you don't really have anything resource intensive)

    3) it does not really serve any purpose as in the VAB you don't want things to look pretty but rather see what you're doing.

    About the VAB, I would like the camera controls to be as they were in the previous game and to change from vertical to horizontal positions.


    Thanks for reading this, good job on the game (I know you're working really hard to get it better each day) and happy kerbaling!


  2. 2 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

    didn't say what framerates the requirements were for

    The Devs said that it is really hard to predict what kind of performance you might find. This is because unlike other games, KSP2 is open world: you can make a 10 parts vehicle and fly it around the space centre, or you can build a 2000 parts vehicle and send it to Jool. You may also fly in an atmosphere or not, calculate multiple trajectories modified by many bodies etc..

    It is therefore very hard to predict the frame rates you will obtain.


  3. Woo! Interstellar, Interstellar, Interstellar! Not only the name of my favourite film, also something I am really excited about for KSP2! I have always thought KSP needed more celestial bodies in the stock game, but we would have lost the lore behind the many many years of KSP. 

    Interstellar is a great way to keep the original stellar system as it was while also adding new features.

    Sure, I can't wait for Multiplayer or colonies or orbital construction (don't get me started on orbital construction OMG) or all the other good stuff, but interstellar travel...

  4. 41 minutes ago, ShadowZone said:

    Sooo... clearly open cycle engine. I would assume this would make it one of the earlier engines available in the tech tree of KSP2 before we move on to the more sophisticated stuff?

    No, big combustion chambers are a pain to do IRL, lots of problems, no way that's early-game

  5. After my EVE clouds were buggy, I reinstalled all of the mods and formatted the game, resetting all of the settings too, after that everything was fine but some of my parts weren't showing, like the Mk1 command  pod or the HECS aren't showing. All of the mods are visuals or QoL, they  do NOT add new parts. I verified the files integrity with Steam but it doesn't say anything after the check gets at 100% (does that mean everything is okay?).

    Pleas guys help me it's 2 months now that I have problems with mods (first with EVE as mentioned before, now this) and both r/KerbalSpaceProgram and r/KerbalAcademy don't seem to respond very greatly.

    Thank you

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