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  1. a lets play a YouTube lets play that i wanted to find again
  2. i am trying and falling to find a spisific lp of ksp i know for a fact that it was using some version of signal delay, a way to give the craft commands that it would do after some time passed (maybe kos), and it also had some version of Maneuver Node Evolved mod or something similar. i think the goal was to colonize something if any of this rang any bells please help
  3. actually i solved the problem my self i had to update my graphics driver apparently windows 10 messed it up and ksp was having none of it
  4. it is because i think i made a new save with the same name and gave up but i can show you the original screen shot it did not change when i was in the sun or not. still less than 2.4k
  5. ok the save https://mega.nz/file/HvBFRIwa#BwhljNaqMvA51R_ZbuGWBsas-aLqGcww_AjGZyDOWm4 and the game data folder with the squad folders removed https://mega.nz/file/XjoT2AYB#VC0Ez32bpdGJQhQr56xlP-yXC9ZmREtTb99JN0LIRC4
  6. nothing it was a new save here is the save file https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Du-sIZTDSkwkD90RqwPoqEUD1yMc-VXZ?usp=sharing and my game data folder https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t9vrpIM8mBbZAHkkNbWW05ExNUJZ-TFx/view?usp=sharing
  7. yes but you may not have all my contract packs witch will be a problem because the the game has a hssiy fit attempting to load saves if you don't have all the contract packs
  8. @VoidSquid if ti was not illegal i would give you my exact game folder with all saves issues and mods but i cant
  9. i am in the sun and i do have my ship pointed target prograde below the physics distance at 2.3 km i was 59.0m away at my closest and still did not see it
  10. it is not that I can't find it I can see the labels perfectly i just can't get the physical ship to appear
  11. @VoidSquid sorry i saw alt f4 but thanks @VoidSquid it did not work it is the ship body that wont show i even tested it with a masive colecetion of the bigest fule tanks that i put up with hyper edit than got a kerbalx up and i got an intesection with 0 seperation got to 0 and saw nothing at all
  12. i alredy posted to the modded forum but i did not get an awser also even when i removed my mods it did not change I am atempthing to dock but the station wont show up I know that it wont until 2.4k but i am at 59.0m it is a 6 way rockomax docking pice with a probe core and the bigest rocomax tank. If i switch to it i cant see my other craft. if i cant solve this i gues i have to hyper eddit up the station. bummer because i wanted to learn how to dock
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