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Everything posted by DennisK91

  1. Thanks everybody for the great advice! Will start it up tomorrow again and I think I'll try to get to the moon first and do some experiments in order to get some science points I'll respond later on you guys for some more questions probably. Now it's time for some rest;)
  2. Hmm, I will try that as well and also reading as much as I can on this forum With the screenshot I mean I see a lot of functionalities I didnt see yet in the base game. Like all the icons left of the navball, the m/s ‘slider’ right of the navball and he is dragging curves.. I didnt find it yet, so I was wondering what is is.
  3. So, I am a addicted new KSP player, and I don't even know. I am horrible, I can get my spacecraft in orbit, but thats it. I see people building sattelites, space stations, rovers and I don't have any idea how to continue after the first missions, what to do next etc etc. What are good resources to learn from? And what mods I should absolutely have? I did read about Mechjeb or something like that, but I don't really think it is as enjoyable when you have something who is doing everything for you? Or am I wrong. One more question about something I saw. Is this a mod or is this a stock functionality? I didn't found it yet (the lines, dragging orbits etc.) https://gyazo.com/a9a857fc910f35425c5d69e2ad05f062
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