Hey, I love your compilation. But one thing that bugs me the most is this weird this I see on Minmus.
I've created a video below demonstrating what happens.
1. The shadow side of the glow flips to a pitch-black shell when the sun sets below the horizon of the current view. When below the altitude limit for the glow, it just makes the sky pitch black.
2. When you zoom out far enough, the glow clips into the terrain. It's almost as if the reference center of the glow is offset from center of Minmus. It looks ugly at high altitudes.
3. (?) At any point, only half of minmus has the glow active (Not really a bug, I'm presuming it's some optimization thing, I just noticed it)
Edit (2021/03/13):
Figured it out. The sky going pitch black was a side-effect of TUFX postprocessing. Simply fixed it by removing TUFX. Thanks for the help!