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Sneal Lord

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Everything posted by Sneal Lord

  1. I did some rough measurements by taking a screenshot and just comparing the size and the clipping plane seems to be about 11 meters away from the camera but this screenshot should speak for itself. I have a host of graphics mods, better timewarp, and a few miscellaneous quality of life mods and of course the dependencies for all these mods (and sometimes the dependencies dependencies). Mods just as the files appear in my gamedata folder. Click Through Blocker Toolbar Control Better Crew Assignment Better Time Warp Distant Object Enhancement Engine Light Relit EVE Kerbal Engineer Modular Flight Integrator Physics Range Exteneder Planet Shine Poods Skyboxes (calm nebula if you're interested) Real Plume Real Plume-Stock Scatterer Ship Effect Continued Smoke Screen SPC Spectra Squad Expansion (do DLCs count as mods?) Texture Replacer Firespitter Module Manager It's alot of mods and I dont know which mod/mods could be causing it, are there any interactions between any of these mods or are some of them actually out of date? also a further note is that the clipping plane seems to get further away as a flight progresses and its fine in the VAB or SPH
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