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  1. Thank You for the New Member Guide. I am taking my time to read it now. I did not click on the link. Smiles. This is what I mean with respect to my last post. All good. EDIT - Done. Have read the rules and have no issues with them. I now refer back to the main context of my post and welcome anymore feedback relevant to the gist of that. TY.
  2. Thank you so much for your quick responses. I live in Australia so might take several hours to respond myself. I checked out the links to the Tutorials section and Gameplay and Tutorial Section. As someone that knows nothing I have to say the former has me at a loss, so I will just stick to the latter and ask egg head questions in there if no objections. Currently I am bogged down in another game and will in the mean time continue to watch YouTube videos and maybe try my hand of the in-game tutorial. I do have learning difficulties and heavily rely on visual learning that show things in order and don't do well at all with subjects that are not in order. I hope this revelation might connect with others who struggle similarly and who have found guides that assist with such challenges. Videos where the person talks really quick gets lost on me, which is why I typically value articles with step by step points and well designed and relevant graphics. I know I might be expecting a little too much but figured since I got so many responses early on I would mention my learning difficulties. I know there is a lot of learning in this game. If I post out of place it's not on purpose. It's like an ASD thing and my processing is all. Once I get it, I get it. Thanks again for your responses. I feel this game may still have enough for support for me after all. Hope to start post questions soon enough. I'll try to be as concise and to the point as possible, however don't expect miracles. I'll try to learn though. Sometimes its the in game navigation and those icons that I never seem to find and then there is understanding the questions or text prompts. What seems easy for others is what is complex for me, but then at other times what is complex for others is then easy for me. Although as I age, the latter is sadly declining. The current Space Hype has prompted my interested in this game where I would like to learn more about orbital mechanics. However, overcoming the game mechanics is going to be my fist hurdle. Thanks for your patients.
  3. Just bought the game and thinking about the expansions. Do you think there will be many players left over to assist newbies in the first edition of the game once the 2nd edition is released. Should I wait until the second one is released? In the event I dive right into it now, do you think I could do better with an online link compared to the in game tutorial? Perhaps you would be kind enough to link if you know of a really great guide for egg heads that know nothing about the game? Your thoughts and Thank you.
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