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  1. I was trying to reproduce this and on my 2nd attempt I got a ship that could actually stabilize itself in orbit. I'm not sure what's different between the two, autosaves overwrote my hard saves?? was gonna post a save file.
  2. when my lander and the transit vehicle are separated SAS works adequately for both of them. After I finish docking, if I enable SAS the whole thing starts tumbling out of control. Here's a short clip, I cycle through all the settings I think are relevant on the two control modules. (may need a minute to process) Any suggestions?
  3. correction here - I'm now seeing that the unit in KSP2 is "U". Actually that's good enough for me. I saw it incorrectly as "V".
  4. Hello ksp team! First I know that electrical is not being simulated right now. I'm an engineer and I've noticed a thing. The units you have displayed in flight for electric charge is kV or kilovolts. There's a better unit! Batteries store charge in AH or amp-hours. (typical average car battery is about 200 mAH or milli amp hours) The scale doesn't even need realism, so the numbers can be totally arbitrary. It just feels wrong to display kV next to the amount of charge. Why? A battery's voltage really doesn't change that much as you charge it. Between say 10% and 100% charge, a good deep cycle battery will only change its voltage by around 10%.
  5. Bring it back to something relevant another two people said. A simpler recovery craft can survive some pretty insane re-entries. You should be able to make a pod that can re-enter after direct transfer from the mun. However I keep thinking it over and there are definitely a lot of creative ways to break even the best re-entry craft, if you come back home with more velocity than you should, if your trajectory is straight down instead of around back, even a tiny pod with a heat shield could explode. What might help a lot here is if you shared a savefile. I am thinking the most useful savefile is after flying by the mun, after doing a burn to set up your trajectory toward kerbin. That way we can see how you're setting up your return. Please remember there are a lot of engineers on here, and there are also a lot of people on here for whom english was not their 1st language.
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