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  1. Thanks for the move and ping! Good insight, and my 6600k is running at 4.3ghz at the moment (not much more room left, unfortunately). Will definitely keep the clock speeds in mind as I shop over the next two months. I plan to have this computer for 3-4 years (in which I hope to play KSP2 a fair amount), and I guess my question (or hope/wish/dream) is that KSP2 has better utilization of multiple cores?
  2. Hi kerbal enthusiasts. My 6600k is not a happy camper and I'm looking to upgrade my CPU (keeping KSP2 in mind). I was curious if there was any info, or opinions, on how many cores I should be looking for. The new Ryzen series looks pretty good, so 5600x vs 5800x is my way of thinking. But perhaps there's a real preference for intel CPUs? I don't know, bit out of my depth here, but would love some insight or input. Thank you in advance
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