The Leo-Baker Launch Vehicle System is a reliable, three-man rocket that can orbit in LKO. It\'s a three-stage rocket, with the first being four parallel boosters, the second the core booster, and the third the upper booster. No solid rocket boosters are used on the entire vehicle. The capsule returns with two side-mounted parachutes, since the ASAS and RCS tank are mounted above the capsule, as an orbital science and equipment module, with the front of the ASAS acting as a dummy docking ring. That dummy ring needs to be exposed, so an ejectable cap is placed on top of it. The service module has a one-depth large tank, with three radial engines for propulsion in orbit. The entire craft has eight RCS thruster blocks, and there are plenty of ladders around the ship. Demo album: Craft is attached. Note: The Leo is the capsule/service/orbital modules, the Baker is the launch vehicle.