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Everything posted by Travie0

  1. I found a recently updated github project that had unity & blend flies, and Textmesh & Parttools. I was able to open the project with 2019.4.14f1 and write mu files from it. I tried creating a new project using the packages from the working project, but that didn't work. I compared all of the project settings files and synced up the settings but couldn't get the new project working. Still not sure what I'm missing, but I was able to copy the working project, and clean out all of the assets to use as a manual template.
  2. I tried using unity 2019.4.14f1 and different parts worked... but still not able to use it... Tools > KSP Part Tools menu present Part Tools window shows and reads unused KSP install ( had to create a dummy install with default GameData so it wouldn't throw errors) The KSP > Part Tools component is missing 0 errors in console on load
  3. I'm trying to setup unity to create my first model. My first attempt I didn't use the correct version of unity and didn't uninstall the bundled Textmesh. I was able to see the parttools window that asked for the gamedata directory to be set, but the parttools script component didn't work which is when I realized I needed to actually read the instructions.. Following the instructions I now have the component, but it doesn't match any screenshot I've seen, there's not a write button, and the parttools window is missing. TextMesh shows its for .Net 3.5 but KSPAssets shows its for .Net 4.x seems like this would be an issue. The console shows an error trying to load TextMesh. PLEASE HELP
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