Hi again,
Here is my KSP.log file.
After some investigation, here is the problem: very long loading time (half a second for each elements in squad / squad expansion folder).
While on the game I can make the rocket from it's part successfully. But when i try ti make a fly, the game generate no more than 1 or 2 frames per seconds.
Here is the complete KSP.log:
And a pic of some error printed by the shell running KSP. All there erros happens only when I launch the flight.
On Microsoft Windows, the Rocket work great, except one thing:
When i try to throw away the first stage, one or two boosters collide with their engine side to the second stage. It's pretty impossible to have a nice staging, except if the rocket faces straight Up and burns perfectly prograde.
Please do not hesitate to ask me things to to to investigate more about the error I encounter on my linux system, i will do all i can to help.
Thanks a lot.