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Dead Astronaut

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  1. I know that well from experience. I made a rocket and didn't realise the TWR was too low and it didn't go anywhere. I'm getting better with orbits now I know that the rocket is designed for the task and I'm not second guessing it's capabilities. I guess if my Ap is high and my Pe is too low it's because I didn't pitch enough? It seems that higher speeds makes the time to reach Ap higher as that puts energy into the Ap. Though there needs to be horizontal thrust to make the initial orbit more curved and to raise the Pe. Does there happen to be a mod to guide the ship towards a more optimal path? With all the variables, meaning all ships have a slightly different launch profile, it would take a lot of the guess work out especially with a new rocket that you're not used to.
  2. Thank you, that resolves that confusion. I have a rocket fairly similar to the orbit rocket used in the training (I did my best to copy it exactly, but it's based on old notes) and it's around 4,000. While I'm here, do you know the best TWR? I heard it should be at least one, but maybe stop at 2. This would probably change at various altitude levels, but it's something I could fine tune my rocket for now that I know how to change the altitude in the calculator.
  3. The Kerbin orbit tutorial in the game uses a ship with about 2,300 delta V, yet the delta V map online states it as 3,400. Why such the big difference? I'm still stuggling with getting into orbit and this is one of the things I think I need to resolve first. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/thumb/7/73/KerbinDeltaVMap.png/600px-KerbinDeltaVMap.png
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