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Everything posted by Keliweak

  1. Thanks for your answer ! I tried but the warp doesn't seemed to work I was wondering if the 2.12 release could be related.
  2. Hello ! I'm using mechjeb for years and never had any problems but since few weeks, it became just unusable. The problem is about the burn timing, it always starst the burns at T0 (just at the node and not before), and reinstalling ksp and mechjeb isn't doing anything (knowing that i'm not using a lot of mods : only one or two for aesthetic, flight engineer, mechjeb and that's all) and this problems is happening with every engines and crafts i tried (i have only stock parts). I've seen a precedent subject almost like mine but without any real answers and the problems seemed to be coming from some modded parts or in my case ANY parts of any vessel is involved, mechjeb just can't do a burn. (Landing and stuffs are ok it's just the burns). It's not a huge problem indeed but the precision of mechjeb burns are very usefull sometimes ^^. Thanks in advance for your help
  3. Yes that's it ! Thank you very much
  4. Hello, (excuse my english if there are mistakes, I'm a french using too much google translate :p) After I accidently removed some of my mods, there is one I can't find anymore ! It has to be a recent one since I am a new player. It was allowing me to display two informations at the same time on the navball (the upper text which usually only display orbit/surface speed), especially displaying both surface speed and altitude in this zone of the navball, it was really usefull for landing but no way to find out it's name ! Pretty sure it was on ckan. Thank you !
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