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  1. GPP doesn't appear to be working with JNSQ. I'm not entirely sure where the issue lies but I've been trying to use the rescaled 10x versions and everything seems to work just fine until I try to add GPP secondary with it's requirements into the mix. I saw an earlier comment talking about removing the KK folder from JNSQ and doing that does allow for the game to load though I've yet to try playing to see if there are any other issues.
  2. So I decided to start the game up without the GPP pack for now figuring I can likely add it in later if I want and decided to give the 10x variant a go. It's been a lot of fun so far. Definitely a huge change and challenge when it takes around 10k dv just getting into orbit. Still in the early phases of trying to get my early remote tech sats in orbit but I'm enjoying the new way I have to approach the game in general. Can't wait to see how much later stages are going to hurt. lol
  3. Having the same issue sadly. Assumed that it was the extra size of the 2.5 scale that was responsible but unsure if that's a thing. Was able to run a much larger modlist when rescaling JNSQ down to 1.0, but can't get it to work default with GPP installed as a secondary and rescaled. Previous posted mentioned others having the issue and potential fixes so going to try those before submitting anything here.
  4. Ah that could be. I'm still a pretty new player so not 100% certain. I remember from the previous bug that I was watching unloaded vessels charge decrease and just assumed that was supposed to happen except the bug prevented solar panels from collecting to offset it. Anyway, ignore me then but like the other poster said thanks for all your hard work!
  5. I've been noticing something similar. I haven't looked into it too much yet nor do I have my log files atm (can get later) but I noticed my sat's all seemed to be staying at maximum charge and even checked one that was in the dark side of my planet to find its charge wasn't decreasing either.
  6. Awesome. Again thank you guys. It's nice to know that both routes are basically equally viable but the point a few of you have made about the lower step making it easier to insert yourself into an encounter is a point I was considering as well. I know that orbits of different heights go at different speeds so if I launch into a bad window I can always wait until the lower orbit is in a better position to insert into the higher one where I want. Might be a good idea to get used to lower initial orbits just to give more flexibility as was mentioned. I was a bit hesitant with having to launch into too low an orbit because I kept falling back into the atmosphere during my burns but that was before I upgraded buildings to get maneuver mode's combined with using a relatively weak engine at the time. You guys have definitely been a big help though.
  7. Thanks for the responses guys. I'm going to add a bit more detail so I can get a bit better clarity from the answers. So firstly, getting to orbit itself isn't an issue for me. I have a ship that I've used to get me into 320k orbit for 5 or 6 satellites now. I've spent time learning the maneuvers to adjust my inclination and eccentricities as one of my mods (GPP) begins me on a planet off the equator and my RemoteTech contract required a relatively precise placement over the equator. I'm using a manned rocket to place my satellites to ensure I don't have to deal with signal blackouts and therefor don't have to rush to circularize before that happens. I begin doing a gravity turn almost right away, getting between 50-60k for my AP from my first stage boosters though my actual height is usually only 20-30k by the time I jettison them and begin my second stage. I then use my second stage which I think was a valiant or reliant engine, I can't remember which, but considering I'm still in atmosphere I need it to raise my AP up about 280k and then my final stage with my tarrier engine to get me the rest of the way, then to circularize my burn, followed by another to adjust my inclination and eccentricities before deploying the satellite and then plenty of DV left to deorbit me and a burn prior to entering atmosphere to lose the speed for easy and safe reentry. Basically I'm getting into orbit successfully, although my gravity turns aren't perfect and my DV is inconsistent between burns but I'm accomplishing the mission just fine. I've just been wondering if the way I've been doing it is really the best way to be doing it or not. Every video I've watched shows them aiming for a lower initial orbit but I'm not sure if that's just because it's more convenient for their missions or if there's an actual DV savings to be had from a lower initial orbit before Hohmann's transferring up to the higher one. Am I wasting DV by burning straight for the desired height (using gravity turn to do it) or am I saving DV by only having to circularize once at an altitude where it takes relatively little DV to do it?
  8. So still pretty new and learning a lot of these things. Just started putting my first relay network in place. But I'm wondering what the most ideal way to get into an orbit of around 320k would be. The obvious response to this might be how easy it is for me to just go test it for myself, but seeing as how I'm new, my launches are far from uniform and it's difficult for me to tell if a dv savings was from the maneuver or from me launching differently at this point thus why I'm asking here instead to see if I can find out what I should be aiming for. Should I be trying to circularize a lower orbit from 80-100k before transferring up to my desired orbit or should I continue aiming straight for it and circularizing at 320 without bothering with the lower one?
  9. Hate to be a derp but trying to figure out how to use this mod. I don't think I'm experiencing a bug so much as failing to understand how it's supposed to work in the first place so hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Basically I'm playing in career mode and have upgraded the tracking station to level 2 which is what the observatory building stated I needed to do in order to access it. The issue I'm experiencing is that even with the tracking station upgraded I continue to get that message every time I click on the observatory. I'm unable to actually enter the building or use it in any way right now. I've noticed I do have a new contract that wasn't there before, and another post I read mentioned something about having to first discover a celestial body to use the observatory on but both moons in my system are already discovered so I figured that would be enough for me to at least access the building. Am I missing something terribly obvious here? Do I have to do the research contract or put a telescope into space to locate a previously undiscovered body to gain access to the building? Or am I actually experiencing a problem that I'd need to give logs and stuff for?
  10. As a quick addendum. The forced command definitely helped and I didn't have a single crash during scene transition even after several hours of play. It did have a very negative effect on appearance though and eventually did run into a stuttering crash that definitely appeared to be a lack of RAM. I went and bought 16 gig more to bring my system to a 32 gig one and hopefully that will allow me to play without further issue.
  11. Alright so I've got a fair few mods (over 100) so the issue might just be that I have too many. But basically I'm experiencing crashes that seem to happen when I enter and leave my vehicle building. It's likely any building might trigger it and just happens that the vehicle one is the one I keep going into and triggering my crash. I'm starting to go through a bunch of steps to try to correct the issue hopefully without having to sacrifice any mods but I figured I'd reach out here with my logs to see if anyone could spot anything obvious to help me focus in on what I should be doing. I assume either there's an issue with one of the mods I'm using or that the memory usage from my current mods is just too demanding. I figure the latter is more likely the case despite my 16gigs of ram. Anyway, so I'm currently trying out the forced commands from the sticky to see if they help, and will then be trying to adjust settings to reduce graphics as my graphics card isn't the best with only 2 gig of ram. Hopefully those steps resolve my issue, but again I figured it couldn't hurt to see if anyone saw anything in my logs that might help identify any issues. Thanks to anyone that takes a look and shares any insights that might help me sort this out! Link to my rar'd logs. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vddgvsj6yl3sykg/Crash logs.rar?dl=0 Edit: Forgot to include modlist in original RAR so updated link to include it.
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