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Everything posted by Ashnoom

  1. I seem to have an issue with the datetime report by KSP and what KSPTOT is telling me. The following image should give all the details of what I mean: For some reason KSPTOT is reporting KSPtime + 5 days. (I am on RSS/RO/RP-1 if that is important). Converting back and forth the time in seconds reported by KSPTOT does translate to the correct delta in KSP. (So 1 day departure time in KSPTOT is 1 day departure time in KSP). Second issue that I seem to have is that I just can't get the orbit calculated from KSPTOT in to KSP. I am sure it is a case of PEBKAC and/or not understanding the tool/orbital mechanics, but so far, not much luck in finding my own answers on the vast galactic interwebs. I am trying to plot a trajectory from Earth -> Mercury with a Venus gravity assist. So I am using the MFMS tool. The trajectory it calculates looks like (note, this is an example run, this is not the actual mission that I am trying to plot, there are more optimal solutions available at a different launch window): Which ends up like (after tweaking the location where the burn starts along the line of the orbit): Doing a maneuver burn around Venus to get me closer requires around another 800dV to get an encounter with Mercury. Is this expected? Should the example provided by MFMS be near perfect copyable to KSP?
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