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  1. Painful begginer here... Nav Ball: I've been watching Mike Aben's Absolute Beginner tutorials (as reccomended by you fine folks -- thanks!). In the video that explains the nav ball, he seems to be able to move his nav ball with his mouse, which seems to cause his rocket to change position. I have tried moving the nav ball myself and I can't seem to get it to move. Can I use it to adjust the orientation/position of my rocket or does it just provide passive information? It's possible he used WASD to move his rocket and the ball was moving in response, but I can't exactly tell. When I try to use WASD to adjust my tragectory, the nav ball barely moves and then I end up spinning uncontrollably. Should I just be leaving the attitude (I think it's called attitude) alone? When I search online Thanks, Sid
  2. Thanks for all the info. I've done the first five of the in game trainings, which took me multiple days to get through, but I am struggling even with that. I can't figure out how to do exactly what the tutorial asks for and it won't let me progress until everything is perfect. On a positive note, I've gotten a lot of practice and I feel pretty good about how to use the keyboard controls. I'm not worried about breaking the game but I guess I am worried about not getting it right. Sounds like I need to let that go and do more experimenting. I will definitely check out the tutorial that Streetwind posted. Hope everyone is well. Thanks for the info! Sid
  3. I'm a brand new player and I'm having a lot of difficulty getting started with KSP. I've tried doing the "Training" and a couple tutorials (both written and on youtube) but I'm really struggling. I think part of my difficulty is that the tutorials I'm looking at tutorials written for other versions. I try to follow along and do what they do in the tutorial or video and I don't seem to have the same parts, options, or controls. Is anyone aware of tutorials that are for the windows player version I'm assuming at some (or all) of my problems have to do with version differences? Do you reccomend any particular tutorials or beginner walks throughs? I'll end here and say thanks, but if you are interested in the specific issues I am having, they are down below. Thanks, Sid Specific problems: Tutorial:_Walkthrough_for_Ye_Compleat_Beginner (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Walkthrough_for_Ye_Compleat_Beginner) The tutorial says to set it on Career/normal then go to the launch pad and open Kerbal 2 stock rocket. When I go to open, only the Steam tab has listings but no Kerbal 2. I'm stuck. I tried to troubleshoot on my own, so I restarted the game and set it on Career/easy. When I get to the VAB, I can open Kerbal 2 but it says the mk1-3pod is missing. When I try to go to the launch pad, I get a message saying that the vessel has experimental parts which are not available at the moment. I'm stuck. Suggestions? ----- Tutorial: Guide to Kerbal Space Program...for Complete Beginners (by Quill18 on youtube.com) He says he has version 1.3. My screen says I have version, which confuses me because I just bought it so I'm not sure how I can be using a younger version. As soon as we get to the VAB, our parts look different but I can mostly figure out what he is using. Once we get out to the launch pad with our simple command pod, he is able to move his pod around and tip it on the side using QWEASD. I can make the arrows move on pitch/yaw/roll but my pod won't move. He ends up getting more points than I do, which enables him to pay for R&D, which opens up new parts. I am unable to follow along after this.
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