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Posts posted by gulan33

  1. I have another issue, installation works, but Earth is kerbin size if not even smaller and atmosphere ends at 69,1km. I see no "Configuration.cfg" in the files, only a "2.5xKSRSS.cfg" and that one is all set on being 2.5 so I don't understand why the planet feels even smaller then Kerbin


    Also, I get no clouds despite installing KSRSSVE

  2. 38 minutes ago, Curveball Anders said:

    There's > 1800 ERRs in that log, mainly about missing textures and modules.

    So there's something seriously wrong with one or more of your installed mods.

    If installed manually I'd recommend that you use CKAN to make a list of the installed mods, uninstall all and then reinstall using CKAN.


    I installed all of them using CKAN.
    I just uninstall and reinstall?

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