Hello all,
Relatively new her on the forums; been a huge resource for the years I played KSP. Was hoping you all might be able to help me troubleshoot a problem with my save file.
After updating to the most recent update I encountered an issue with decouplers on my launched crafts that caused them to break when I decoupled them. Some more details can be found in this thread:
https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/199104-loss-of-probes-after-decoupling-since-111/ I figured out away to fix newly launched crafts, but I had a dozen mission on the go with now broken ships that I didn't want to scrub.
So I decided to go back to version 1.10.1 by changing the beta settings in KSP's steam properties. I then edited the 'persistent.sfs' save file, (after backing it up of course), and changed the version number from 1.11.0 to 1.10.1 in the 4 lines referencing version.
And it worked! I was able to load the save file, my ships and their decouplers worked as expected and I was able to complete their missions.
The trouble is, I can't seem to get the save file to update back to 1.11.0. When I change the beta settings back to none and load KSP this is what I see:
Error Accessing this save Input string was not in a correct format.
As far as I can tell, the 'persistent.sfs' of my edited game has not been touched, unlike all my other saves which were automatically updated. I tried editing the 4 lines referencing version again but that didn't help.
Comparing the backup I made before editing and the edited file, there are a lot of new lines referencing things like the contents of modules or Kerbal's inventories in the backup that are not present in the edited 1.10.1 version
Obviously there's a value it doesn't like in there somewhere, but with 509077 lines in the edited version, (and 676766 in the backup), I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to start.
I play with KerbalEngineer and KerbalAlarmClock. I don't think they have anything to do with this but I figured I'd include that here.
Anyone have any experience messing around with save files that might be able to help me track down the issue? (or maybe even narrow down the list of candidates)