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  1. Bonjour , perso j'ai commencer en mode carriere (en lisant le dernier commentaire je me suis dit merde alors !) mais j'ai mis tout au plus facile . pour l'instant je galère un peu mais c'est plutot les mechanismes du jeu en lui meme que je maitrise pas bien . bref , j'aurais du checker ce post avant de commencer
  2. I just bought ksp and the two dlcs today , and all hapened succesfuly at the begining . But after paying , I got to a link that wouldnt open (chrome says error too many redirections) . So i closed it . I can't see the purchase in your orders so i can't install it . The confirmation email and the bank biling has been received . Does it just take time to process the order or it has an real error ?
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