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  1. Thanks! I knew it must have been something simple! I now have new "orbiters" equipped with RA-2 antennas around Duna and Eve that are successfully relaying previously dead probes.
  2. I've added two OKTO/HECS probe pods to my stack, one with a Communitron HG-55 antenna, the other a DTS-M1 antenna, both with battery power and solar panels, but when I separate them in orbit around Duna, only one of them will connect to the network (in a test launch, around Kerbin, they both connect, suggesting that the DTS-M1, which doesn't have the range of the HG-55, is not able to relay through the HG-55). See below pics. What am I missing? The stack in the VAB: "Dead" probe (at top of stack): Connected probe:
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