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  1. It's not a problem with CKAN as I also did a manual install before trying CKAN.
  2. I've just installed CKAN and I can't seem to find Parallax, just wondering if it is even on CKAN otherwise I can re-download it from Github. Edit: Don't worry I found it.
  3. I downloaded the BE version of Koperinicus from R-B-T Here I got Parallax from the Github mirror provided by Gameslinx in this exact thread. I downloaded the BE version of Koperinicus from R-B-T here. I got Parallax from the Github mirror provided by Gameslinx in this exact thread.
  4. Alright I will give that a go It appears it did not work, I will send you the logs. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DQefKLRE4aFf8q7-8BpH0dyjfrRV-G33/view?usp=sharing
  5. Here you go. https://drive.google.com/file/d/127o3maNuIOS16fXaBN0HKL1oMXnJ-ytr/view?usp=sharing
  6. I'm having problems with some of the textures of Parallax. I was wondering if there was any solutions. Here is an image of what is happening: Image here If it helps my mod list includes: Parallax, Parallax Stock Textures, EVE & BoulderCo, Chatterer, Kerbal EngineerRedux, Kopernicus BE, PlanetShine Master, Modular Flight Intergrator, RealPlume, RealPlumeStock, Scatterer and SmokeScreen.
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