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Posts posted by GamingRoos

  1. 58 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

    Alright. Since you don't have a very big mod list,  I might recommend removing your mods and reinstalling them through CKAN. That should automatically update the dependencies. You may have to add the Kopernicus BE repository, but that is explained in the BE post. IF that's too complicated, then I'm kind of out of ideas. Just trying to help.

    It is not. Gameslinx has stated that it will be in the 1.2 release along with performance improvements. It is a very large download. If you can hold off, I would.

    I've just installed CKAN and I can't seem to find Parallax, just wondering if it is even on CKAN otherwise I can re-download it from Github.


    Edit: Don't worry I found it.

  2. I downloaded the BE version of Koperinicus from R-B-T Here

    I got Parallax from the Github mirror provided by Gameslinx in this exact thread.

    16 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

    Do you have latest version of Kopernicus? That log says you only have the v1.0.0 version. It also seems like you have an old version of parallax. Maybe it's just the log.

    EDIT: There are also a ton of NREs at the bottom.

    I downloaded the BE version of Koperinicus from R-B-T here.

    I got Parallax from the Github mirror provided by Gameslinx in this exact thread.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

    Can you try without EVE? I think one of your other mods is causing this, because Parallax is installed correctly and loads fine. You also exceed the minimum requirements

    Alright I will give that a go

    11 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

    Can you try without EVE? I think one of your other mods is causing this, because Parallax is installed correctly and loads fine. You also exceed the minimum requirements

    It appears it did not work, I will send you the logs.



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