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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Launch the engine, then launch the fuel on a rocket with a man rated LES. VASIMR looks promising as a propulsion system.
  2. Doesn't work that way. Radioactivity isn't something you can keep in a box. Making the container out of neutron reflective material means you have more neutrons passing through the fuel, causing it to "burn" faster.
  3. I would design a synthetic lifeform and throw it at a passing comet. It then spreads to other bodies in the outer solar system. Each colony records and stores data, then transmits it to it's neighbors. The ultimate in "cloud" storage.
  4. EDIT: Ignore this, confused this with another game with a similar title. My bad.
  5. Like I am going to say no to a pet chickenraptor. I'll call it Fluffy! In all seriousness, I see no reason not to. Worst case, we can't make a viable dinosaur analog, but gain more knowledge and experience manipulating DNA, which can only benefit humanity. Best case, pet dinosaurs.
  6. New update, and it's a big one. The game is now 64-bit! Slightly less exciting are the new motor blocks, and nameable beacons. I have to say, the game is shaping up nicely.
  7. Sounds like your world got corrupted. Does the game still crash if you try to load a new one? In other news, we have another update! Copy/Paste/Delete functions are now in the game, which makes testing crash resistance much easier. We also have the beacon block, which puts a marker on your HUD that tells you how far away it is.
  8. I will never understand why some people think it's strange that we live in a universe where life is possible. Wouldn't it be stranger if the universe where life isn't possible? And if we didn't live, regardless of if life was possible or not, we wouldn't be wondering about it anyway.
  9. If you take the Uranium ingots out of the large reactors on the quickstart maps, and throw them through a ring(or 3) of 10 gravity generators, the results are...interesting. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=196550403 Now here's the fun bit: that screenshot is facing towards the grav-cannon. The ingot clipped through about a third of the ship before deciding to wreck the place. My next ship is so having one of those as a main weapon.
  10. New update has come, adding symmetry mode to ship construction and increasing astronaut speed to 105 m/s and letting you turn off inertial damping. Also, cargo pods now have items in them, though there isn't much to do with them yet. Next update looks like it might be 64bit capable, but we will have to wait and see. Still no word on multiplayer or survival mode yet.
  11. This thread is over a year old guys, let the dead rest in peace.
  12. The devs have added magnetic landing gear! No more holes in your hangar walls(probably)! Be sure to leave the reactors on in the small ships, it helps.
  13. Spaceship! With obligatory structural weak point!
  14. Some of the asteroids have caves. The best one by far it the large roundish grey one. Here is a base I built into a small one:
  15. The word "why" implies intent. Intent implies a creating entity. Any being or beings capable of creating a universe would so utterly alien that trying to understand their motivations would be impossible. I would rather ask questions that can be answered, such as how the universe works. Sorry of this seems a bit ranty.
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